Earlier I replied to Rusty's comment, but I ended up replying to him and not the list. Here's what I wrote. Over the last 20 years i've read many horror stories of people running rm -rf * in the root directory as root.  Here's your sign people. Here is Rusty's reply. Yeah. I remember many years ago, when I was trying to install Linux beside Windows (95, I think).  Was having issues, decided to cd /;rm -rf * - which would have been fine but for one minor issue - /dos (or /windows, whatever), was still mounted. Oops. After I realized what I’d done, I paused and thought - ok, why am I worried about keeping Windows around anyway?  Answer: for freecell.  Hmm.  Wonder if freecell works under wine?  Yep!  Ok, no more windows needed! ;-) (Of course, now I use aisleriot, but that’s a different story) BTW, you realize you only replied to me, and this is only going between you and me. Feel free to send your answer to the list, and you can include this as well if you want…. Rusty