Last time I had a video card lose a fan, the whole system would go into
shutdown, so not sure if it's *only* just cooling, but sounds like the card
itself, such as the actual output chips are dying/bad.

Are you using any display adapters?  My current system with a Nvidia 1070
card I use 3x DisplayPort to HDMI adapters, and after a week or two of
uptime, I'll wake up the displays in the morning for work, and randomly a
display won't get signal.  I have to reset the stupid adapter to make it
work again.  Really annoying, but could be something similar if you are
using active adapters on the outputs too.


On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 9:21 AM Jim <> wrote:

> There's a fan built into the side of the case.  I could take the side out
> of the case and put a small fan in there aimed at the video card.  Right
> now Psensor says the video card is at 55°C, but I just started the machine
> a few minutes ago.  After it warms up, the card stays around 80°C.  Still,
> if something in the card is going bad, it may act up at lower temperatures
> than it should.  Also it can't hurt to cool it down.
> On 8/26/19 7:19 AM, Austin Godber wrote:
> Anecdotally speaking, nearly all of my electronics have been freaking out
> due to the heat, this includes:
> * google chromecast not playing
> * roku sound going out periodically
> * sonos bridge needing restarting daily
> * VR laptop only works if I put a box fan in front of it
> You problems sound like they could be heat related.  If you have a box fan
> of some sort and you can improve airflow in your machine, you might be able
> to test it.  Or maybe your case could be better ventilated.
> Austin
> On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 10:22 PM Jim <> wrote:
>> I had thought that it might be getting old, but I only bought the video
>> card new 3 years ago.  How long should one last?  Psensor shows the
>> temperature of the card at 77°C, but the specs  show the maximum allowed
>> temperature is 102°C.  It just started doing this a few days ago.  I guess
>> I could go into my parts box and find another video card to put in there
>> until I get a chance to buy a new one.
>> thanks
>> On 8/25/19 10:13 PM, Harold Hartley wrote:
>> I might mean that the hardware on the video card may be getting a little
>> to warm or wearing out. Something to think about if it’s a dinosaur.
>> On Sun, Aug 25, 2019, at 21:56, Jim wrote:
>> I have a dinosaur running Kubuntu 18.04 with a Gigabyte P35-DS3L
>> motherboard and an Intel Core 2 duo E6850 CPU and 8GB RAM.  For a video
>> card, I have a GeForce GT 520.   A few days ago it started acting up.
>> Now, at random, it acts as if the video card shuts off.  Both monitors
>> give a no signal message.  However, the software I had running continues
>> running.  I know this because the dinosaur still plays the audio.  The
>> keyboard doesn't respond. crtl+alt+backspace doesn't work.  I can ssh
>> into it, but it won't reboot.  The only thing I can do to recover is to
>> hold down the power switch until it shuts off, then turn it on again.
>> Any idea what this might be?
>> thanks
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