Just breathe...
I've identified the source of my problems with Suse. Simply said, Suse
did a toxic misidentification of the model of the Samsung monitor
connected. I say toxic because the parameters used caused the monitor
to blank out and at the most crippling moment. But the problem could
have been prevented if I had been more attentive during the preboot
configuration stage where I could have, and eventually did, reject
suse's guess at the model and subsequent parameters.
However, if suse wishs to make their installation idiot proof they would
need to do something with the console yast where the screen following
graphics "change" would revert back after some seconds of non-reply.
Yes, maybe if I weren't such a noob I would have tried (I may get this
wrong) Alt+Ctrl+Backspace but I didn't and I'm not sure if that would
have helped cause I think I needed yast to be immune to the symptoms of
the problem I needed yast to fix.
And to give Samsung some credit for MY mistake, "why do they make so
many darn models?" Whoever heard of the SyncMaster 175v? Oh, you own
one, too?