Don't ask them about Linux. Unless they are on the engineering side. Then just say "Unix" in very polite terms and they usually open right up.
Last I played with Citrix they offered what they called an 'open-platform' client. It could be made to work on Solaris8/9+x86, RedHat, Suse, and with some serious tinkering FreeBSD also. -grin-
That was late 2002 though.
Unfortunately I can't offer anything other than a "I'd like to know that
too," so I'm adding it. ;-)
If you don't get any replies here with info, (I bet you will), please
share with the list any resources you find for this.
Bill Earl
Network Administrator
623-516-4700, ext. 113
623-587-7787, fax
Alan Dayley wrote:
>I know #1 and #2 are things the vendor should answer. The reseller we
>talked to today, though smart in their experience, seemed clueless about
>connecting with Linux and could not provide straight answers. I am still
>waiting on answers directly from Citrix.
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