On 2/23/06, Craig White <craigwhite@azapple.com> wrote:
On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 16:23 -0700, Joshua Zeidner wrote:
> OK... so a linux cafe is not a completely wacky idea.  thanks for the
> replies.
> Generally, I see a lot of independant biz people here in Phoenix who
> choose to be so because it offers them more control over their
> schedule, choice of technology, etc.  I do certainly see the need for
> a very general service for these people.  I find that they do value a
> common meeting place.  Commiting to a particular geographical location
> would be a boon both to the cafe itself and local business.  Something
> like Kinkos + Starbucks + Linspire( Kinkbucks? ).  As Ben Gould
> suggested, maybe just design a program for existing cafes...  is
> anyone out there seriously interested in this idea?
interested? as in what form? discussing? bankrolling? partnering?

Capital is not hard to locate if you have explicit numbers that show a profit potential.  I know how to prepare that end of it, and I know some people in venture capital.  Generally VCs are VERY eager to invest in commercial ventures right now.  Retail/service based enterprise is some of the most profitable in America right now.

I spend a lot of time in cafes.  I have been an independent IT player for some time know.  I see a particular need for some general services that conform to the OSS standard:

  1) general legal services for developers
          a) council on IP rights, NDAs, NCAs, etc.
          b) access to documents and legal service
          c) develop a brand name that makes the purchasers of IT services more comfortable in entering legal arrangements that are often complex and daunting.
  2) some kind of syndicated wireless ISP service so I can go into a cafe and use Skype, etc. and cafe owner can recoup cost of gear and connection( note: if you provide this service the telcos consider you 'the enemy' )
           a) see FON
  3) an attractive venue for small and medium sized businesses to explore the idea of using Linux in their operations
          a) schedule appointees to talk to prospecitive buyers, demo software, etc
  4) a general service for Internet entrepreneurs to utilize( hosting of Apache, Asterisk, Icecast, etc. )
  5) hardware support for Linux and BSD
  6) a job market that is easier for sellers/providers.to provide progressive value proposals to small and medium sized business
          a) this is a complex economic situtaion and generally the recruiting market has evolved into a system that grossly favors employers and emphasizes specific skill sets that have a lifespan of 1-3 months.  This is due largely to our policy towards international employment( offshoring/outsourcing ), the H1B visa etc.  The situation ceratinly detracts from the value that is available to small and medium sized enterprises( at the macro level ).  I know of several recruiting agencies here in phoenix that have a 'services' wing as well( they are actually platform vendors! ).

If you think 'Kinkbucks' is a good idea, you think you would participate as a buyer or seller of such a service/product, or you have something to add, let me know...

i will most likely be at the installfest tomorrow.