Hello all,

D-Link routers have bad firmware implementations that are DDoS'ing stratum 1
NTP servers (way too many queries to core infrastructure servers that are
never supposed to be queried anyway).

(my, didn't they learn *anything* after Netgear had done the same mistake

Please read
for more info.

This page says that D-Link does NOT care, and hasn't since at least 2003,
when some people already contacted them about this abuse.

If you own a D-Link router, then an effective means of shoving this incredible
behaviour up their a** would be to return units still under warranty to your
supplier strongly demanding a firmware upgrade that actually fixes the problem
(in its *default* firmware configuration!! Many users are clueless and
wouldn't know to properly configure an NTP server anyway, so a "simple"
firmware upgrade would have to fully fix the problem already).

Andreas Mohr

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