As a volunteer in the AZStRUT program I can say that we happily accept all such donations. Actually, any electronic gear is welcome. You should be aware that the oldest equipment often goes directly to the recyclers rather than being used. Many of the schools and other organizations we supply with systems for training or use are only interested in Pentium III and up. I expect within the next year they will change that to P4 and up.
At the same time, letting us send the oldest things to the recyclers is still a win-win as the recyclers pay us for the material which helps support the program and ecologically the cleanest disposal of some heavy metals etc.
I guess the point is that donated systems don't always end up in a users hands though most do.
"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."
Patrick Henry quote