Man, I'm so stoked that High Schools offer programming.
Back in 1997, we were using the Java Development Kit and the DOS console for development. We then moved to Visual Something by Symantec, which was really nice... Then we moved to a Borland product. Then we moved to PHP.
My point is: don't get hung up on the tool you use. You'll probably need to learn a few. Learn the syntax inside and out. Just when you get comfortable, you'll switch languages all together.
; ) .randy
--- Patrick C <> wrote:
> On the grander scale, here is what I gather from
> your (everybody's advice):
> -focus on the language, or programming logic itself,
> but not the IDE
> -keep up with the advancements, as it can make
> things a lot easier.
A couple things to add:
1) Learn how to learn
2) Learn good design concepts
> Also, I know I'm already using the IDE as a crutch
> when I don't know the
> commands to run(compile?) Java source without
> clicking some sort of run
> button. What is the actual command for this?
> Also (again): does anyone have an opinion of GTK vs.
> Qt? The class prior to
> this was Windows Programming, which I assume was
> there just to learn some
> very basic programming concepts the easy way with
> vs.NET. In that class I
> made a simple GUI Hangman game. I'm interested in
> rewriting/cloning this for
> Linux, and I'm not sure where to start.
There is a project called grasshopper that will enable applications to be ported to J2EE.
Mono is a .Net implementation for linux, but its not
completely compatable with win .Net.
> Thanks again for the prompt responses, keen
> interest, and solid advice!
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