Just thought I'd pass this along to anyone interested; DeLUG meetings are open to the public. Free wired and wirless internet access is available (the WiFi signal can be admittedly weak from the 2nd floor, though).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Huerta <huertanix@gmail.com>
Date: Oct 7, 2006 7:00 AM
Subject: [ DeLUG ] :: DeLUG Meeting on Monday
To: delug@freelists.org
There will be a DeLUG meeting on Monday, October 9th at 7pm|az at deVry Rm. 202 (Physics Lab). The meeting will present on IRC tips and tricks, from the basics up to some of the more advanced stuff you might not have thought IRC could do. In addition to that, we'll be going over EVO, our new web-based videoconferencing system. Feel free to bring along a webcam and laptop for testing/troubleshooting setups.
david [.dh] huerta
david [.dh] huerta