Hey thanks for the feedback. The mouse seems to work find under the Toshiba XP-Home install. Had same mouse wackiness a few times a week or two ago however it has been for years years and for the last week or so.
I'll have to experiment.
Thanks again,
"der.hans" <PLUGd@LuftHans.com> wrote:
Am 21. Oct, 2006 schwätzte keith smith so:
> I have this old (4 year old) Toshiba laptop, 1066MHz Celeron, 256M RAM, and other stuff like a funky display as I recall needed some adjustment under Linux to work properly, and a D-link DWL-G650 wireless card.
Even if the graphics chip isn't directly supported VESA or SVGA or one of the
other standard display modes should work. You might have to enable them by
There are certainly some pages that list wireless cards that work under
> Anyone see any reason I could not install Fedora Core 5 or Ubuntu on it.
Should be fine, especially if you had GNU/Linux working on it before.
In regards to your jumpy mouse post: you say that was a problem under
GNU/Linux and m$, so it might be a hardware issue. There are ways to
ratched down mouse sensitivity ( this came up at the GNU/Linux Stammtisch
earlier in the week ), so that might fix it for you.
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