On 11/30/06, Josef Lowder <joe@actionline.com> wrote:
Are there any TV cable news channels (i.e. Fox News Channel) that are
available to view via the Internet?  And if so, how is that done?

PLUG-discuss mailing list - [...]

You know how Gmail (www.google.com/mail) is always trying to put
"smart" context-sensitive info all around the border of the page, when
you are reading an e-mail message about a certain topic...

Well, when I was reading the above, here is what it put (not over on the
right, with the so-called "Sponsored Links"), but right on top, where I
think the "RSS feed" stuff usually goes... ::

it had this:
Watch Satellite TV on PC - www.your-free-satellite.com - Shocking website exposes 100% free satellite TV on your computer

...where the underlined part (in case you can't just click on the above) was
a hyper link to this URL:  ((" http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BQwAGTDZvRfjNG5nG-QKPmPGhC5KOnhLG3JXQAcCNtwGw2wYQARgBIIaPgAIoBDAAOABQrb_e-v______AWDJ5v6GyKOgGZgB8pmzDqAByoej-wOqAW9BY2NvdW50QWdlMTIwdG9JbmZpbml0eStDQVQyTGF1bmNoK05hbWVEZXRlY3Rpb25WZXJ0aWNhbFdvcmQrUmFkbGlua3NSaHNQYWdlQmVsb3crU3dpdGNoQm90dG9tQWRzK1RpZXIwK1ZpZXdfQ1ayAQlnbWFpbC5jb23IAQHaATBodHRwOi8vZ21haWwuY29tL210c3Fycmx4eTRhamFhbnk5b3BmanAwNG11b2J6bTKoAwE&num=1&adurl=http://www.your-free-satellite.com "))
...although, if you are not concerned to make sure that it gets counted as
someone clicking on a certain ad (you might care) (you might not), the only
part you really need, to get to the same "destination" web page, is probably this:
...which is also mentioned in the "text" of the "ad".
Over on the right hand side, it also had:
     Sponsored Links

Watch Satellite TV on PC
Controversial website exposes 100% free satellite TV on your computer

Channel 2 Pays You $300?
Take A Channel 2 Survey And Get Paid $300 In The Next 15 Minutes!

Is Fox Fair and Balanced?
You decide who's fair or biased in the 2006 Media Bias Survey!

More about...
Kswo TV TV »
TV Carts »
WKMG TV Local News »
Kens TV News Director »

      About these links
actually most of that may be N/A, but the first one ("100% free")
might be what you are looking for...

Comment: (/reminder)  I was not doing a Google "search ".
       I was just reading my e-mail using Gmail.
Mike Schwartz    
Glendale  AZ