I am not very good with dd, or pipes for that matter, so I
need some help. I need a command executed on KnoppixClientB to take IMAGE.gz
stored on ServerA and restore a hard drive. I tried executing the following
from KnoppixClientB
root@Knoppix:/ramdisk/home/knoppix# dd of= /dev/sda | ssh –c
blowfish user@ServerA “gunzip –c | dd if =/home/IMAGE.gz”
But Knoppix just hangs after I enter the password for
I created the image using
root@Knoppix:/ramdisk/home/knoppix dd if=/dev/sda bs=1k
conv=sync,noerror | gzip -c | ssh -c blowfish user@ServerA "dd of=IMAGE.gz
Any suggestions?
Bryan O'Neal
Cornerstone Homes & Development, Inc.
(480) 505-1900