Depends on the nature of the files you are transferring. However if linux to linux is the situation, you can usually remote mount the drive if they are on the same network and move files that way. Requires that the both computers have NFS running, but I believe you should have by default. Depending on your Distro.

I don't know the exact command, as I have been doing samba mounts and not nfs, but I presume something like:

mount -t nfs <servername>:<path to mount> <mount path>/

I hope that makes sense. Then it is just commandline moving files or via your x-windows moving files visually.

Judd Pickell

On 5/23/07, Josef Lowder <> wrote:
Is there an efficient way to copy files between two computers
on the same ethernet switch?  I would like to know what is the
most efficient way to copy files from one computers to another,
especially if there is a good way to do this when two computers
are on the same ethernet switch.

I have been copying files to a flash stick and then physically
moving the flash stick from one computer to another.

And, I have ftp uploaded (copied) some files from one of my
computers to my web space, and then downloaded the same files
to another computer.

But it seems like there must be some more efficient way to
just send (ftp?) files from one computer to another on my
locate ethernet network.

Or, could I connect two computers together via their usb ports
and transfer files that way?

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