Later COX will start blocking that port as well. I was running a ssh server (to tunnel vnc) on port 23022. It worked great for weeks, then they started blocking the port. I switched to another port, they appeared to be blocking the 23xxx port range. After I tried a 24000 port, the ssh server worked again. Well a few weeks later, it stopped working too. Just to see, I had my friend (on the same street, so the same cable sub-net) to try connecting. He was able to connect just fine. So I could rule out problems on my firewall or internal network.
When cox finds out you're running a server, they just block your port.
As it's my own personal ssh server, not a public server, I don't believe it falls under their rules against running a server. But I guess they just like to block whatever they can.


----- Original Message ----
From: ericİ <>
To: Main PLUG discussion list <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2007 11:30:30 PM
Subject: Re: Dyndns

I went through this with Cox cable.  They're blocking port 80, at least on the residential lines, so I set up a WebHop through Dyndns to redirect traffic to port 18080.  I haven't yet tried port 21, but I do know that port 22 is open for SSH (I use it daily) for the time being. 


On 4/3/07, John Schember <> wrote:
One way you can check to see if your isp is blocking any ports is
disable your filewall then use an online port scanner like Shields Up.
Every port should show open except those blocked by your isp.

John Schember

On Tue, 2007-04-03 at 20:21 -0700, Jon M. Hanson wrote:
> Joey Prestia wrote:
> > I recently created a free dyndns dynamic account and am having problems
> > accessing my computer I can ping my hostname and
> > it has no packet loss as well as reports the correct ip address of my
> > computer but from other locations I cant access it I can ssh into it but
> > would like to run it as an ftp server what am I doing wrong I know ftp
> > port 21 is forwarded on my linksys router. what do I need to do to have
> > it come up when the address is typed in I'm not using any data of any
> > importance as far as security is concerned until I learn exactly what I
> > need to do to do this safely from my home.
> >
> One thing to consider (other than the huge security implications of
> running an FTP server) is that your ISP may block incoming port 21. Most
> residential ISPs forbid the running of servers on their network.
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