
On 7/23/07, Dennis Kibbe <> wrote:

Code Camp is a possible venue and would be easy to do I think. The one
objection I've heard is that we would be "preaching to the choir." Whether
that is true or not I don't know. Anyone have an opinion? What percent of those attending Desert Code Camp would benefit from hearing the Free software message?

I quickly ran through their tracks and classified as NON  F/OSS (things like C#, Adobe Products, VB, Java), thing that are NEUTRAL (things like agile, design patterns, etc) and F/OSS (things like Perl, PHP, Ruby, Python, etc)

47 - NON F/OSS  
20 - F/OSS

Based on those numbers, I think it is a good mix of people already using F/OSS and those that may not really be using F/OSS or have limited exposure.

That said, I was not at the last code camp so perhaps someone that was could speak up to as what the audience was like last go around.

Derek Neighbors