found it; and i think this has happend to me before.
gdm was missing. I dont know how but the gdm package was not on my system.
I just ran yum install gdm then reboot, and I was back in business.

On 7/24/07, Josh Coffman <> wrote:

  I'm working on this now. I'm hoping someone is online and happens to know a solution off the top of their head. I started an package update on my fedora 7 box and let it go. The machine went to screen saver mode after a while. When I went to check on it, it wasn't responsive expect for barely a flicker of the screen. (i use a blank screen saver.)
  I switched to the console (ctrl+alt+1) and rebooted. I'm thinking the install might have still been running.. maybe.

  The update included a kernel update.

  When it booted, it stops when trying to load GDM and the message on screen is:

      INIT: Id "x" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

  I do have the nvidia driver installed with the kernel module from livna. I wonder if its having a problem. In the past though, I would get a screen notifying me that xorg crashed while trying to start and offer to update xorg.conf.

  I tried yum update (had to remove ffmpeg to get the update to work) and rebooted, but still the same result. It appears packages are updated. I don't know what the problem is or how to fix it. Quite frankly, I'm tired of messing around with stuff like this and just want to watch tv with my wife. I would really appreciate any help.
