On 9/6/07, Matt Graham <danceswithcrows@usa.net> wrote:
After a long battle with technology, Dazed_75 wrote:
> I'd like to be able to draw on my screen, have that show on the projected
> screen and have the option to save that annotated slide for myself.
>    - Is there a Linux (or Linux utility) that lets the user use a tablet
>    PC in that manner?
>    - Is there any real downside to such a system (e.g. inherently
>    underpowered, etc)?

The compiz "Annotate" and "Screenshot" plugins provide a way to do this *if*
you're running compiz-fusion.  Default keybindings:  Alt-Super-button1 to
draw things, Alt-Super-K to clear the screen.  CCSM->Extras->Annotate to
change them.  There are probably similar ways to do this in Beryl.  I didn't
ever see anything like this for non-3D WM/DEs, even though at least one
person on comp.os.linux.* asked about it in the last 2 years.  Problem:  It's
insanely difficult to input text in this manner.

So you are saying the Alt-Super-button1 lets you use the mouse to drawhand freehand on the screen?  That Alt-Super-K clears the drawings (surely not the entire display)? and the CCSM->Extras- >Annotate (a menu selection I presume) lets you change something though I am not sure what?

The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.
  - George F. Will