Here's a suggestion for everyone (like me) who are having problems with Cox: If you have a friend with a different ISP.. ask if you can ssh into their network and proxy your web traffic through their network. (I'm using the '-D' option with OperSSH.) I'm doing that now and although its slower than my 'normal' traffic.. it's better than how Cox is operating now.

On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Alan Dayley <> wrote:
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Yes, I am having issues.  Not much with web browsing but outgoing email
can't reach the server.  I don't even know if this email will make it.  :^)

Alan wrote:
| I just signed up for Cox a few weeks ago, and I've seen the same thing
since starting.  It's been a disappointing experience at best.
| I'm even getting delays when trying to send mail.
| ---- Michael March <> wrote:
|> I'm having issues with flaky connectivity using Cox as my ISP.. Is anyone
|> else having issue too?
|> An example of what I am experiencing would be I connect to a web site and
|> some parts of it will load.. but for the rest (like some images) the web