I wanted to share this with the group.  Come visit the Ubuntuaz team in IRC or via our email list.
-Shane Lofgren

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Crawford <johnc4510@cox.net>
Date: Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Ubuntu Team Approval Meeting
To: slofgren@gmail.com

On Wednesday June 4, 2008, the Ubuntu Arizona LoCo Team went before the LoCo Council to submit their application to become an "Officially Recognized Approved LoCo Team. We had many team members and even some non team members(LUG & other Ubuntu LoCo affiliates) present to cheer on the team. I'm happy to announce that everything went well, and LoCo Council voted unanimously to approve our team.

By gaining approval, our LoCo is now eligible to apply for and receive Ubuntu marketing material to use at Installfests, Release Parties, and any other event we might be hosting, or co-hosting. Materials include such things as bulk shipments of Ubuntu CDs and banners, to mention just a few.

The team has worked very hard to get to this point, and we intend to continue that work by hosting, or co-hosting events with any of the state LUGs, to further promote not only Ubuntu, but all Open Source projects. We believe that by working in cooperation with the LUGs, together, we will be able to make a real impact on open source computing in the State of Arizona.


John Crawford aka johnc4510
IRC channel #ubuntu-us-az  irc.freenode.net