I've encountered many people who say that 9/11 was executed by everything from the NY Firefighters, to the secret service. I've discovered that some people simply prefer to believe in conspiracy. FYI I was living in DC at the time of 9/11, and I was an eye witness to the Pentagon attack, and came very close to losing someone that was close to me (she would have been killed that day if I had not made her late for work). When people actually argue with me about what happened at the Pentagon (insisting that it was a "Global Hawk", missile, etc), I find it almost amusing. I was *there*, and they would still rather believe something they read on the internet! I cannot imagine the state of anxiety and mistrust of someone who actually thinks that our govt would plot and publicly kill thousands of US citizens for some hidden agenda.
Who can even say what really happened on 9/11, the corruption is soo deep and complete?