PHLAK is based on Morphix
Here's the Forums for that Auto Networking Question:
I can't attest to how much "good stuff" current tools PHLAK has, but that's the best source for your networking issues, beyond verifying the OSI stack connection (suggested below).
For your current PHLAK network issues, follow OSI troubleshooting:
1 - do you have a device - dmesg? 2 - do you have link light?
3 - do you have an ip address - ifconfig -a ?
4 - do you have a dns issue - ping
You can use a Fedora Core or Ubuntu LiveCD with the new persistence via USB key options. If you like you can hand install whatever security tools you want! A LiveCD for security labs is generally just for network and linux security professional use to protect your regular distro and allow you setup things like HoneyPots, Snort Servers, sniffers, scanners or TARGETS (that can't exactly be accidently "hurt" outside of mounting /dev/hda).
Backtrack comes with all the best tools available on Knoppix STD - but old school security users really prefer Knoppix STD, since it's usually used for learning. Many security professionals build their own LiveCD tools - Knoppix STD (or any ISO) can be ISO loop mounted to add drivers for your ethernet, wireless card and Xorg.conf (tested to work with your monitor and laptop Video cards) and added before burning. With ISO build experience, or a simple HowTo, 4 hours build and 4 test burns and you will have a nice tool!
Netcat, Hydra, honeypot, aircrack, nmap, snort, iptables can be apt-get/yun or rpm installed in any Linux distro.
We just use LiveCD's at the Hackfests to play with security tools while semi-protecting our regular systems.
Doesn't mean you can't install or use Fedora Core or Ubuntu (which allows you to also use a USB key with the LiveCD to save your settings in a persistent state)? But I think you missed an InstallFest yesterday!
FedoraCore 9 and Kubuntu are easier to install, since they have more drivers; and easier to expand, giving you a FireFox 3.0 updated browser, etc.
(Not going to be too secure for you using PHLAX with an old URI, UTF encoding, PDF and XSS exploitable port 80/443 tunnel right past your OS/networking to allow people to cruise through your protected browser cache, saved passwords (including router passwords), and even change system settings?
I have a Compaq Presario 1235/1236/1237/1238/1240/1250 Series Original Quick Restore if anyone would like to setup a Laptop under old Microsoft for fun? It is supposed to work in VMWare running on a Nix box too? ||
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mike havens <>
> Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 23:16:05
> To: <>; <>
> Subject: I was just notified part of my message was bounced?
> As you all know I am now trapped in the world of windows. I sat down
> with a couple of old bootable distros of the Linux ilk and started the
> laptop. The first one (Security Tools Distribution) started fine but
> after a few minutes the mouse stops working. Then I started Mepis.
> That one would not start at all. Last of all was Professional Hackers
> Linux Assault Kit. That one starts and the mouse stopped working once
> but upon restart all was good. Then I was thinking about hooking up to
> the internet but that was a no-go. It seems that it didn't want to
> auto-detect the network which windows has no problem detecting. How do
> I get Linux to auto-detect it?
> Then I was thinking of traveling with Linux on the laptop and thinking
> that the broadband card I bought in Phoenix would not work on the
> Linux box (I know that where I bought it has no relevance here) but
> was greatly relieved when I did a little research:
> <>
> --
> :-)~MIKE~(-:
> ---------------------------------------------------
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