Most of you should have been able to successfully boot the Obnosis BackTrack LiveCD you picked up at UAT during the 10/11/08 HackFest using one of your other computers by now?
<Problems? Email me and I can assist...>
Reference the updated HackFest Overview Presentation materials here:
Proceed to Lab 0 - Investigating Backtrack
This link shows you exactly how to do 3 things with bt:
Remember Backtrack doesn't have ALL THE SAME OLD tools as Knoppix STD - but there are more than one set of tools available in security distros that are easy to use and provide information.
Setup a nice SNORT and watch your local networks? Lab 5 - IDS
Here's a link on how to Snort for bt fluxbox (under KDE it's right on the Menu):
Try to get used to DOING like you will at work, in practical sessions rather than KNOWING. Develop hypothesis to see what happens, define your goals, evaluate your assumptions; learn how to know without standard education, by doing in practical sessions.
When you get lost in the data, go back to when you last felt fine, and define your assumptions and goals, look up your words.
Watch for the Vista Challenge next LAB!
is, I would say, our top priority because for all the exciting things
you will be able to do with computers - organizing your lives, staying
in touch with people, being creative - if we don't solve these security problems, then people will hold back.” Bill Gates || | (503)754-4452
Laugh at this MSN Footer
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