is (was) not an April fool's joke.
One thing that does seem a little suspicious (beware), is that
among the many "cross-references" to other items, there is one
was "intended" to point to the URL
-- that has instead a bogus looking URL of
(which doesn't work...)
so, I still don't think it's an April fool's joke,
but apparently someone was not being careful enough, and by the way, IMHO
the "proofreading" should ALWAYS include checking that links work -- maybe
even checking with more than one browser (at least a couple of browsers?)
(one of them being Firefox) seems that in this case, there was a slip-up.
I don't actually think there is a browser related issue here -- partly because,
just for completeness, I tried that link with two browsers (one of them Firefox),
and it was equal-opportunity "404 Not Found" with both browsers.
So I think it is just a case of a schnerbed URL
...but the article still seems interesting [to me] (YMMV).
Etymology note / Humor :-) Lol / ACK
(By the way, [HUMOR!:] that funny slang word, "schnerbed",
[past participle of the verb "to schnerb"?] [passsive voice?]
was copied from
[and hence I guess, courtesy of / "with apologies to" the writer of]
some other recent PLUG-discuss posts;
[also, I may have already copied it at least once "before" this --
so, if this is a delayed ACK, make it retroactive] ).
Some of the links work OK
I pursued one of the other side-issue "tangent" links, (labeled
and at least that link [URL] is OK.