Some of the comments on my earlier thread got me thinking about network security and Cox. One of the thoughts in my earlier thread (Need Advice on Routers), seemed to indicate that IPcop/Smoothwall were better choices than a Linksys SOHO router because they provide better control and network security. It made me wonder. My network is one subnet on Cox's network. What levels of security/protection does Cox provide? Is a simple Linksys SOHO router sufficient when placed behind the Big Bad Cox Router? Or not?
It may be that I don't know enough about network security/routers etc. to be framing the question correctly. If so, please re-frame the question. If my local network were in a company, there would (should) be some sort of strategy for network security that leads to an implementation plan. If I were to write such documents for my home network, what would I say that Cox provides, and what holes do I need to fill at the local level?
What do the security gurus on the list think?
P.S. This is not meant to be a Cox bashing/praising post. Cox exists and I sit behind their firewall, so I am curious as to what they bring to the party and what I need to do.