The following process kicks off on my Debian laptop - 
narwhale:/home/mark# ps aux | grep rsync
root 10878 1.0 5.0 54652 52148 ? Ss 06:59 1:40 /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group --links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive -D --exclude=/proc --exclude=/dev --exclude=/cdrom --exclude=/media --exclude=/floppy --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/var/lib/backuppc --exclude=/lost+found --ignore-times . /

I am sure it is related to backuppc, which I use with ssh and rsync to backup my PCs. However, this computer does not have a profile associated with my backuppc setup. How do I find out more about what/who is starting this process so I can track down where it is coming from.