We will be relocating the HackFest at the Foundation for Blind Children (Map below) in June.

This will provide a regular room,with regular network, and systems we can setup as a test lab for whatever purpose we are evaluating.  Hopefully we can do some exciting work, demonstrate and test vulnerabilities as they are reported (or before) and evaluate security distros for Linux on a safe network.

Our first three or so sessions will be build sessions to get the test network (assistive technology) setup with available systems.  The nice part about this is that it's persistent (it's not going to have to torn down and redone later).

It's expected that we will easily be able to demonstrate any security exploit available easily.  People will be able to safely use thier equipment with limited risk.

<joke> It's tempting to rename to "Blind Penguin HackFest" since someone inevitably attempts ettercap-ing us all, and it's often a matter of the bind leading the bind?  </joke> See you all there!

Hackfest - Security Lab

Start: 12:00
End: 15:00

The Hackfest is a 3 hour security lab from Noon to 15:00 on the second Saturday of every month. Come prepared to learn about a security tool and then start using it. Ethical and legal, as well as liability aspects of testing are covered as well investigate the strange world of computer insecurity.

Don't learn to hack; hack to learn.

Network and other facilities generously provided by the Foundation for Blind Children.

Plan on being able to use live CDs. You can also bring your laptop if you have one, however a complete network and diskless servers will be available for PLUG BackTrack or Samari LiveCD use at the Foundation each month.

There is an open call for presentations and participants. Take the black pill and leave forever the Security Matrix; HackFest with PLUG!

Contact lisakachold@obnosis.com for specific information or questions


www.obnosis.com (503)754-4452
"Contradictions do not exist." A. Rand