> What I'd like to see is a combined "donation/thrift 
> shop" approach.

Just as a reminder, in the thread 
<< OT: deceased erstwhile microwave oven >>
about my old oven (which had already been replaced), the last few (relevant) posts noted that there was a HAPPY ENDING, because 

--> Joseph Sinclair alerted me, that I could donate it to 
Westech Recyclers ý 
http://www.westechrecyclers.com/ )
then I phoned them on May 01, 2009, 
and the result was, 
NOT ONLY that they would take the thing, 
(and presumably at least "part" of it would not wind up in a landfill -- at least not until another round-trip to a "consumer use" and back) , 
I would not even have to schlep down to their (downtown Phoenix) location, because they pick up twice a week from Savers (a thrift shop [chain]), and since Savers does have branches all over town, it is *much* closer [for me] (to go) to the nearest Savers, than to go all the way downtown.

And I may not have mentioned this, but I also had a dead flat screen LCD display, and an almost-new office chair that (long story) had died about 1 week after I bought it, and the dept. of Savers that I went to, that accepts stuff to be recycled by Westech Recyclers, took all of that stuff, and I ran 3 other errands in the same area of town, as the Savers I was going to, and I took a total of 3 items to Savers on that one trip (including the deceased microwave oven) -- and that happened the same day (May 01, 2009). [*before* my set-out deadline for un-contained trash].

This strikes me as being very similar to the idea of 
> a combined "donation/thrift shop" approach.
that was mentioned in the Tue, May 5, 2009 at 10:43 PM, post from <fouldragon@aol.com> (see below). 
Mike Schwartz    
Glendale  AZ 

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 10:43 PM, <fouldragon@aol.com> wrote:
What I'd like to see is a combined "donation/thrift shop" approach.

I could see going somewhere where I could drop off my evol old
rubber-dome keyboards, the Umax SuperMac which won't run OSX, and that
66MHz Windows NT PowerPC workstation, and dig through a pile of
everyone else's equally abandoned parts for items to fill  up the space
those were taking.

But I think that there's a tendency to usually only want to take or
refurbish "marketable" gear.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Kachold <lisakachold@obnosis.com>
To: Main PLUG discussion list <plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us>
Sent: Tue, 5 May 2009 5:29 pm
Subject: TechShop

A good idea for Phoenix?


Anyone want to invest?

Okay, well if not for profit TechShop workshop membership, how about a
nice FreeGeek recycler endeavor?

Well, yes, it might not work, since one can toss out anything here
without having to pay landfill prices like Boregon!

How about something in between?  A non-profit renovation that takes old
equipment for a write off and renovates them for other non-profits?  I
think federal grants are available?
www.obnosis.com (503)754-4452
"Contradictions do not exist." A. Rand

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