Lisa, I am curious what you would recommend? I have tried a few and most leave me flat and unimpressed.

From: [] On Behalf Of Lisa Kachold
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 1:11 PM
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: Access Log Times

This includes the -7 (see it says that)....

I would strongly suggest that you setup a nice log server solution, so you can see at a glance referrers, and errors, 404, etc.

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 12:44 PM, keith smith <> wrote:

Hi All,

Thanks for understanding of my missed date.....

I'm looking in the access log and I see the date in this format
[16/May/2009:13:18:08 -0700] .

This brings up the question.

In this case is this the server time or do I need to add in the GMT offset of 7 hours to get the time.

In other words is this actually 18:08 (6:08pm) server time or is it 11:08am server time.

Thanks in advance.


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