> you have the Hummingbird Room reserved on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 6:30 PM for [...] (ACM).
A previous not explains that, while the Phoenix Chapter ACM did reserve
the room, the meeting is open to the general public
(except maybe "anti GPL partisans? hmm...)
so everyone from PLUG (W side or otherwise)
is welcome to attend.
Actually, I did send the library lady a polite note, telling her
what ACM (as in
acm.org) stands for ...
but, maybe that info didn't get as far as the "robot",
which this message appears to be from.
(oh well...)
(she does have a cool .sig)
The meeting actually starts at 19:00.
She suggested (and I concurred) that it's a good idea
to have the room "reserved" starting at 18:30, --
that way,
those who get there early (to set up) -- "if any" --
will have access to the room
(and, "exclusive" access, in a sense; this meeting
is open to the general public, but at least now we'll
know that the previous meeting "if any" will be over.)
Oh, and "PS:", about that OFF-LIST reply:
I do not mind someone posting something that's from me,
especially in a case (like the recent one) where I was kinda
thinking that maybe it was a fit comment to be sent to
"PLUG-discuss", after all.
However, (except in cases where I have just spaced out and failed
to pay attention to the contents of my "To:" and "Cc:" headers!)
(the gmail GUI has a little [sub-] "window" for each of them...),
generally speaking,
I do know how to tell whether I am sending a message to the list,
or to one or more individuals. and I have managed to learn enough
about the gmail GUI (I've been using gmail for about 3.5 years)
to change those if ((I am awake, and)) they are not what I intend.
<begin side comment:>
I am the first to admit, that I am not as quick as I used to be
at picking up certain new things -- like some video games, which
did not exist at all back when I was younger (= when "some" of you
did not exist at all "yet").
I think I do remember "pong" - that was from circa the age of
mainframes. Also, I remember "frogger", which ran on my
Commodore 64 (which I still own) circa the mid 80s.
(( </end this other "tangent" rant> ))
(also, end of "PS").
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Glendale Public Library E*notify Email <LibraryAutomation@glendaleaz.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:34 PM
Subject: Automatic Room Reminder Notification
To: Mike Schwartz <
Mike Schwartz,
This is a reminder that you have the Hummingbird Room reserved on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 6:30 PM for Association Computer Maintenance (ACM).
Please let the library know if there are any issues regarding the reservation.
Thank You.