I am not monitoring network usage. This weird behavior just started a week or so ago.
Here is what ps says when I start ntop:
narwhale:/home/mark# ps aux | grep ntop
ntop 10943 4.5 2.6 197824 27136 ? Ssl 09:49 0:00 /usr/sbin/ntop -d -L -u ntop -P /var/lib/ntop --access-log-file /var/log/ntop/access.log -i eth0,eth1 -p /etc/ntop/protocol.list -O /var/log/ntop
I ran grep -nr "ntop" /etc/init.d and all references to ntop are from the ntop script, so I assume none of the other init.d scripts are calling ntop.
Any other thoughts, or should I just disable ntop from init.d:
update-rc.d -f ntop remove
P.S. Since I started ntop to check the output from ps, I let it run. And sure enough, after a few minutes, the fan started blowing hard and CPU usage went over 90% for ntop. Now I am really confused....I guess the real question is why do I need ntop to start my laptop?