The National Debt went from less than 2 trillion to over 10 trillion
under Bush.

Uh, actually, it was $1.3 least, it WAS after the TARP and BEFORE Obama.....

There's no suitable prediction for what the net effects of Obama's
efforts will yield. The destruction of the world economy and a
depression perhaps larger than that experienced in the 1930's was
probably if the government had not stepped in and propped up some of
these companies.

Ummm, I'm not an economist, but most of them say differently....

If you have an argument to make about that, by all
means make one. The fact is we printed money to fight an expensive war
in Iraq that we couldn't afford and pumped up the economy on a false
housing bubble that burst because there was no oversight over the
lenders and the bundling of the loans. I personally lay this at Bush's

Perhaps you should take a look at this video -- it might help refresh your memory:
