PLUG's May Hackfest presentation "MetaSploit for Code Validation" will be held on May 15, 2010 in conjunction with
DeVry University
2149 W Dunlap Ave (Map)
Phoenix, Arizona 85021
Session Summary:
MetaSploit Code Validation
Since mid-December, the Metasploit team has been working non-stop
towards version 3.4.0 of the Metasploit Framework. The final release is
still scheduled for mid-May. More than 60 exploit modules and 40
auxiliary modules have been added since 3.3.3, with more to go before
the final release.
The framework today contains almost 550 exploits, 200 payloads, and 260
auxiliary modules that can be mixed and matched to do just about
anything. This doesn't count the extensive Meterpreter payload or the
library of scripts provided in the base installation.
We will show some actual real world examples for Code Validation
security testing using MetaSploit.
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Systems Engineer