They teach hate and AZTLAN. They teach that this is their land - Mexico. That is unAmerican and if I might say so, racist. What does La Raza stand for? The Race! If I as a white man was to start a group called "The Race" or something similar like the "Aryan Nation" which I denounce right here right now, I would be labeled a racist. Watch this video and tell me La Raza is not a problem - Tell me we are not traveling full speed towards a race war? Instead of embracing the American dream these groups poison young minds which will ultimately destroy lives. This is America! I'm tired of the bellyaching and all the "poor me" stuff. This is the land of opportunity. Don't expect a handout and don't expect me to pay our bills. Get up off your lazy behind and make something happen. I worked midnight shift as a police officer so I could attend college during the day. It was hard but that is what it takes. You wants something don't look to the government look to your God and your Savior and get out and pay the price. This is America! If you do not like it here get out. You are dead weight and you are holding those of us of who what REAL change, back. Beleive me you have not experienced anything like a red blooded American that feels he is being wronged. We will right what is wrong with this country and that includes those who have come here illegally. I do not stand alone. The surveys say 50 - 70% of America is behind Arizona. There is a battle line being drawn. What side will you be on? If you are on the side of La Raza you will loose. This is America. If you fly the Mexican flag expect trouble. As a Christian man I believe I am to live in peace with you as much as you will allow. My Bible says in Romans 12: 8 "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.". That says it is up to you. I want peace and revival in this land. If you however want trouble that is on your head, and that is what you will get. ------------------------ Keith Smith --- On Mon, 5/17/10, David <> wrote: