On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 12:04, Bryan O'Neal <Bryan.ONeal@theonealandassociates.com> wrote:

The whole point I would like to make is that truth depends greatly on
your point of view. Don't recite rhetoric, think in a logical and
scientific manor, don't cloud the issue, define the problem and
develop a holistic and pragmatic approach.  But I may not have been
able to pull that argument off in an email forum any way so I suppose
cutting to the chase (which is something that I encourage) is to be
rewarded with a cessation of flame :)
At lest from me, at lest for now ;)

I'd say replace 'opinion' with truth above and you're correct :)

Regardless of opinion the truth is America at this point in time is a sovereign nation just like Mexico is.  One of reason we have laws is to eliminate the 'my truth' versus your 'truth' issue.  The law is the end all truth and we have a court system to wage that battle in.

We have reasonable immigration laws that are less strict than a lot of other countries.
Those laws being broken (it's undeniable) and have not been enforced federally like they should be most likely due to big business interests that want to continue to exploit those people. 

The unfortunate side effect of that exploitation is that a lot of Americans have been displaced from their jobs and it has placed a tremendous burden on State services (that we can't afford), it has lured a lot of people here illegally, and now those people feel 'entitled' to be here because of the lax enforcement in the past.  It is unfortunate that enforcing this law will break up families in the same way it is unfortunate that other crime enforcement breaks up families.   

My hope is that somehow the pressure goes where it should be - ON MEXICO - to make life there as attractive as it is here.  The Mexican people deserve better there!  They shouldn't have to come here to have a fair chance at a good life.