On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 16:09, Joshua Zeidner
<jjzeidner@gmail.com> wrote:
The issue of illegal aliens is essentially an enormous financial siphon and legal black hole that is fenced off from public criticism by the (false) pretext of racism.
I'd agree that in MOST cases it is false and no racism is involved. There are still a small minority of racist idiots out there on BOTH sides. Racists are typically not very intelligent and it is easier to blame their problems on other people than face the fact that they're the only captain of their ship in life.
The media seems to do a lot of racism flame throwing. This new law is a perfect example of that. We have people like our US Attorney general giving opinion on it based only on what they've heard in the media (hasn't actually read it) which just fuels the misinformation even more. Anyone that shows up for the pro-SB1070 rally will immediately be branded as racist by the media (local and otherwise), the numbers will be under reported, and the racist idiots that show up will be the voice heard on the news.
Many different groups use this siphon and legal black hole to their advantage. Naturally such a thing attracts all sorts of characters ranging from economic refugees to mafia drug lords to corrupt bureaucrats. It certainly does not benefit Americans at all. When you calculate cost to tax base, they don't even offer cheap labor.