here's a good place to start your research:

  the fact is that Mexico would rather have us support their poor.  Many groups have generated reports that Illegal Aliens are beneficial.  Despite this, the key word remains: ILLEGAL.  The situation has progressed so much that we are actually harboring multi-generational culture that feels entitled to American tax money.  The ideology that they use to support this belief is particularly noxious and even some participants on this list appear to be in support of them.



On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Matt Iavarone <> wrote:
The enormous financial burden like adding $1.5T to the GDP over 10

You are a xenophobe and a bigot from what I can gather.  So yes, that
kind of content in your emails will certainly turn some people off.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Joshua Zeidner <> wrote:
>   Jim,  you do realize that by making a statement about filtering you say
> loud and clear that it's not about annoying emails, its about the content in
> them.  I don't need to say another word, you will be hearing more of this
> for the simple reason that there is absolutely no way that the people of
> Arizona are going to continue to tolerate illegal aliens and the enormous
> financial burden they bring while we cut just about every service to
> taxpaying citizens.  Similar sentiment is emerging in every state.
>  Pretending it's not happening or pretending as if this is some radical
> viewpoint isn't going to change those fundamental numbers.  Some have become
> very used to this issue behaving in a certain way, but we are *in a
> completely different situation now*.  There is no more funny money and no
> more credit.
>   So go ahead and pronounce me a heretic.  That will speak loudly to the
> people who want to hear.  Im not interested in reaching people like you.  Im
> quite sure Im not the only one who puts zero value on your opinion.
>   -jmz
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Jim <> wrote:
>> Since you obviously continue to not bother even reading, let alone
>> understanding, any position other than your own, since you continue to
>> disrespect everything that this mailing list is intended to, and since you
>> obviously consider your own opinion supremely more important than anyone
>> else, I am happy to exercize my right as a list member to never again have
>> the opportunity to read any of your posts.  Good bye, Joshua.
>> Joshua Zeidner wrote:
>>>  I didn't know that discussing economics was anathema for PLUG.
>>>  Economics effects Linux and Linux developers.  These subjects are bound to
>>> come up, we live all live in Arizona.  Secondly, I didn't know that you were
>>> an official on these matters.  Trying to evoke political correctness might
>>> score you points in a university classroom, but not here and most certainly
>>> not with anyone I respect.  So keep telling everyone how utterly intolerable
>>> and blasphemous these very important points are.  Anyone with half a brain
>>> would take that as a clear signal to listen even closer.
>>>  Finally, anyone who is filtering or making a point of it is most likely
>>> an ignoramus who chooses to close his eyes rather than accept the truth, or
>>> even worse is invested in lies.  Those people are absolutely dangerous in
>>> serious situations and should be avoided in all situations.
>>>  -jmz
>>> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Jim <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>    And the ideologues completely ignore the point - AGAIN!
>>>    There are important issues that need to be discussed, but the PLUG
>>>    mailing list is NOT one of the places where those discussions
>>>    should take place.  If you choose to ignore the principles that
>>>    this mailing list adheres to, you will either drive people away or
>>>    you will find yourself completely filtered out by a large majority
>>>    of the people who read this list and expect to find good, honest
>>>    technology discussions.
>>>    I guess ignoring everyone else is a hallmark of an ideologue.  If
>>>    they yell louder, or in this case, keep repeating the same
>>>    irrelevant point, everyone will just have to agree with them.
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