On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 16:14, Alan Dayley <alandd@consultpros.com> wrote:

1. This thread did NOT start out about immigration, etc.  It was
hijacked along the way.  Please stop hijacking.

2. This list is not the place for this topic.  Again, not the right
venue.  Please, take this discussion elsewhere.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 3:39 PM, JD Austin <jd@twingeckos.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 14:55, Matt Iavarone <matt.iavarone@gmail.com>
> wrote:

>> So hatred towards a group of people is OK, but you draw the line at
>> calling people out for it?  Whatever.
> I never saw anyone demonstrate HATED towards anyone.
> I did see a few people calling out La Raza as a militant anti American
> group, complain about the negative impact that illegal immigration that
> they've observed, and provide references to support their opinion and to
> demonstrate how serious of an issue this is.  If you're denying that illegal
> immigration is a drain on this state and many other parts of the country
> then you need to spend 5 minutes trying to see the whole picture.  Please
> point out where you saw hatred and don't confuse opinions you disagree with
> with hatred.

I apologize Alan.
I replied to Matt OFF LIST and in his reply TO the list put the thread back here.