On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Bryan O'Neal <Bryan.ONeal@theonealandassociates.com> wrote:
GeoIP is quite trustworthy - the more you pay them the better the DB you get is but the free one was typically in the correct zipcode and almost always in the correct city.  I believe they are run by MaxMind now and plug directly into what ever your using through Apache.

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 2:20 PM, keith smith <klsmith2020@yahoo.com> wrote:


I am looking at translating IP addresses into city/state/country.

I found this service http://www.geoplugin.com/ however I do not know who to trust.

Any suggestions?


Keith Smith

Access the SWIP registrar for that area.  This is all covered by RFC 1491 and 2050.

Google "swip whois lookup" and enter the IP there.

Office: (480)307-8712
AT&T: (503)754-4452

"The war of good and evil present in all religions does not always end, in every faith, with the victory of good, but in every one it establishes a clear order of existence. The sacred as well as the profane rests on that universal order.."
--Stanislav Lem