I quit using M$ after my eyes became unusable for even large print. I Haven't tried NVDA (an open source speech synth for windows) yet. However that doesn't matter now as I use a mac with voiceover. I spent just under $400 for a used Imac intel machine and purchased snow leopard for $29.00 from amazon and have had accessibility ever since with no special setup or spending nearly $2,000 for JFW (software and card and training).So far, mac has been a lifesaver for me. I can read the mails from Plug, browse web sites and generally do all I could do before (except play video games).I wanted to setup Adrian knoppix under virtual-box but had a snag. The live cd would work fine but the install would crash almost as soon as the kernel was done loading. If I can't configure it there and be able to configure end to end, then I won't be able to do the same on my currently inaccessible powerbook g3.Does anyone have any alternative suggestions?