On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 17:46, Lisa Kachold
<lisakachold@obnosis.com> wrote:
I don't see any benefit using Cisco phones over Polycom? It's nice to have a well supported firmware also.
I agree! I've had a clients demand Cisco phones because it was 'what they knew they liked'. It was a trial by fire the first time to figure out how to make them work (registration and other issues at first) and I had to roll my own directory code but that wasn't that hard.
Polycom makes great phones and so does Aastra. The main reason I like Aastra over Polycom isn't that their phones are better (they're on par with Polycom phones) but that they're much more asterisk savvy and way more approachable (I'm nobody and I have the direct line to the Western Regional sales manager). Aastra phones even have a default mode where the phone asks you for it's extension number and password and it seeks out the PBX server (pretty neat) and a nice XML interface to make them do neat tricks. Polycoms have an XML interface that you can drive from the server also. NetXUSA does a pretty good job of supporting Polycom on Asterisk here though.