This email had been intitially sent on the end of 501c status discussion.
We did a great deal of work with The Foundation for Blind Children with the Linux Security Team.
I believe they are in the midst of developing applications for the iPhone and Android phones that completely pull the market out of all the old commercial tools.
In Oregon, FreeGeek recycles donated corporate systems into donation machines and has an extensive Accessibility Project, donating a great number of machines throughout the city to non-profits, as well as individuals. Not only do they provide a complete desktop with customized Accessibility distro, but they provide volunteer training?
I suggest that Eric (aka Technomage Hawke) call or visit that "friend of PLUG" in North Phoenix to see some of these new tools and how their blind children and adults use what is available.
I believe a few of our Penguins are fairly expert regarding the full list of Accessibility tools available?
Perhaps Eric would like to volunteer to head up a role with PLUG, and coordinate with Hans to have current information documented on a Page or Story (for others needing at a glance Accessibility Linux info) referenced on
Any such information you coordinate in good reference form would be wonderful; either you can sign up on plug website and become adept at using it, or forward your copy to one of us who can submit it to Drupal? You might also volunteer to have your name directly stated as a contact for Accessibility Questions?
Please use this email as a start of technical discussion about accessibility tools for Linux....
Accessibility as it relates to the PLUG, etc.