
I'm working on several CentOS and one RHEL servers.  I needed to open a port the other day so I did a search and the info I found lead me to believe the only way to open or close a port was via iptables.  Is that the complete story?

For example, if I want to open port 3306 for MySql I need two things?  1) The port needs to be listed in /etc/services (RedHat) and 2) the port needs to be opened via iptables.

If I use a non-standard port (3306) I must add a line to the /etc/my.conf that defines the port such as "port=xxxx".

Here is a twist.  I set my SSHD to port 2200 but did not change /etc/services, which lists ici on port 2200 for both tcp and udp.  I am able to shell in using port 2200.  Why no conflict?

Thank you for your insight.

Keith Smith