I didn't mean to imply the RPM system is bad. However, the packages that SUSE has built, regardless of what delivery system they use, are crap!
When I installed 11.1 a while back and out of the box it would not update. Two weeks later I found some forum comment about having to manually edit some file to get openSUSE to update with zypper... Why then was an updated ISO never put out? Maybe it was 11.2 or .3, I don't remember.
Then I installed 11.4 and had similar problems. I added some additional repositories and after hours of playing, never could get VirtualBox installed. I gave up and went back to Fedora. A Guh-Nome based distro!!! ha ha
The packaging's RPM-based, but whatever. I just found that updates in SuSE
tended to break stuff, packages for some programs were missing, and it was
often difficult or impossible to compile things from source without grabbing
more recent libs and compiling *them* from source.
Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog: http://crow202.org/wordpress/
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see