On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Matt Graham <
danceswithcrows@usa.net> wrote:
> From: JD Austin <
>> 1. Disable root login via ssh (usually in /etc/ssh/sshd_config ->
>> PermitRootLogin no)
> If you've got to get in there as root non-interactively (which could happen),
> then "PermitRootLogin without-password" is a better idea. That means you have
> to keep root's private SSH key extremely private, though.
>> 4. Disable any services you don't need/use
> This should probably be point 1, considering how important it is.
> If you decide to do this, put it in "permissive" mode first and then run
> through a bunch of normal tests. Then look at the logs, figure out where all
> your normal tests would've failed, change the security contexts and/or the
> applications you're using so that the operations would be permitted. Rerun
> tests. Keep doing this. Allow several days. If you have to run things that
> you don't maintain (like MySQL, or WordPress) or don't have time to fix
> extensively, you may realize you don't have enough time and energy to deal
> with selinux. (In general, security is directly proportional to how much of a
> pain in the ass it is to get anything done.)
>> 7. Check all of your logs daily :)
> This gets difficult if you have multiple G of logs every day....
> --
> Matt G / Dances With Crows
> The Crow202 Blog:
> There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see