I jumped to Ubuntu 6.06 in Sept. of 2006 "cold turkey" after chasing a WinXP rootkit for days. I had zero *nix family experience, but I did have 17 years in IT previously with a lot of Netware and general networking experience.
There was still a learning curve, but it was and is absolutely worth it. I own my box, not the Microsloths, not some punk scriptkiddie from the Ukraine, me. Finally.
I built and administer an Ubuntu-based server for a small law office here in Tucson, including a Win7 virtual machine inside via VXWare to run an MS-SQL application :). So I'm not doing too bad.
I'm nationally known as a reformer and expert in electronic voting systems, a member of the board of directors at http://BlackBoxVoting.org - I'm also the Libertarian Party appointee to the Pima County Election Integrity Commission (advisory body to the Board of Supes) and am the Treasurer of the Pima County Libertarian Party.
Jim March