Posted to PLUG, TFUG, AzPHP

I wondering about trends. Currently I make my living as a LAMP developer. The market seems strong and lots of main stream apps are built with PHP. So I expect the market to continue to be strong for 10 – 15 years. That is the time frame I am interested in.

Things are moving rather fast now. Cheap hardware is now a reality. It looks like a smart phone has more CPU and RAM than the laptop I bought 10 year ago, and the desktop I bought 7 year ago. I think I saw a smart phone that had a dual core 1.5ghtz processor and a gig of RAM. My first 2 computers didn't even have hard drives......

I'm intrigued by Android development. Seems there is really only one option and that is the Android SDK that is modified Java. I don't find Java to be intuitive, however I can live with it.

My main question has to do with compatibility. A friend tells me he thinks there are comparability issues between manufactures since they modify Android to met their needs and the lack of standards. After exchanging emails, it sounds like writing Android code is like writing JavaScript that needs to run in all the currently available browsers. We have JavaScript solutions – MooTools, jQuery … etc. However in the short time I've been looking at Android development, I have not found any information on compatibility issues (however I have not search either).

I have lots of questions.

  1. What is the life expectancy of Android? Will it be around 15 years from now?

  2. How hard is it to upgrade a phone to a newer version of Android?

  3. Are there any compatibility issues?

  4. How does one monetize Android application development skills?

  5. Where can I find quality used Android phones?

  6. What device would you recommend I use to learn Android development – Phone, Tablet, Simulator....?

Thank you so much for all your insight.

Keith Smith