On Tue, 2012-12-18 at 13:09 -0700, Tom Haws wrote: +AD4 Even though I have no respect for Ubuntu's Unity desktop, I don't want +AD4 to make this a gripe thread. I have Ubuntu 12.04 installed on a +AD4 Windows 7 VirtualBox machine, and I need to make it work as +AD4 productively as I can for the time being. That said, I have a few +AD4 questions: +AD4 +AD4 +AD4 +AD4 1. The Launcher is not rolling out for me since I installed 12..04. +AD4 It previously would roll out when my mouse was near the left side of +AD4 the desktop. To access the Launcher I now have to press the Windows +AD4 key on my keyboard. This is probably caused by using virtual box, in that the launcher in 12.04 behaves based on how hard you push it open. In your case that's causing the pointer to leave the window. I'd probably just recommend leaving it open. You can adjust that setting and also the reveal sensitivity in the +ACI-Appearance+ACI control panel on the +ACI-Behavior+ACI tab. +AD4 +AD4 2. I cannot find any way to Show the Desktop. I have never been able +AD4 to do this in Unity (or in Gnome on Linux Mint). It's on the Alt+-Tab switcher, first item. --Ted