I think this may be a grey area. It does not pertain directly to Linux but as Linux users we typically have 2 vices, freedom and security.

If you live in the orange areas(http://imgur.com/r1C3lmy), you are in what the DHS now considers a "Fourth Amendment Exclusion Zone"...meaning that it's fine for the DHS to stop anyone within 100 miles (the Orange area) of ANY US border, without any suspicion or warrant, and search all the data on all their devices.

“We also conclude that imposing a requirement that officers have reasonable suspicion in order to conduct a border search of an electronic device would be operationally harmful without concomitant civil rights/civil liberties benefits,” says the executive summary.

Absolute insanity. More info here: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/02/electronics-border-seizures/

James Finstrom
