Since we are talking about cloud backup solutions. I just had an interesting experience with Crashplan that I will share.
Crashplan offers a seed service, where you can request an external hard drive be sent to you, you put all of your data on it, and mail it back. It can be faster than waiting to upload everything. Additionally, if you need to recover, then can send you the hard drive with your data on it for fast recovery.

So, I received an email from Crashplan that my data was on a corrupted disk volume. They are working to recover it, but until then, they are backing up all of my data to another disk. In addition, they offered this seed service for free since their volume died.  I have additional backups so I am not concerned regarding data loss or slow uploads, but its cool to have a slick method of seeding your data.


On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 8:34 PM, JD Austin <> wrote:

I'll second on jungle disk

On Feb 20, 2013 7:00 PM, "Carl Parrish" <> wrote:
I sort of remember saying this before but I don't see it in the thread. Jungle Disk ( is cheap and easy. Works on all platforms and is very reliable. (haven't used crash plan so Can't compare but I've been using jungle disk for at *least* 5 years with no complaints. )

On Feb 20, 2013, at 1:55 AM, Wayne Davis wrote:

>     I'm looking for a inexpensive Cloud bases backup solution for Linux / Win / Android.  Thinking about  1 TB will be needed.
> This will be used to backup important Business data as well as various stuff on multiple platforms.
>     I NEARLY jumped on JustCloud until I did a little research JUST before plunking down my CC.  Seems many folks are NOT happy campers over at JC land.
> With that exception, and it s a big one when you can't get your stuff that was supposedly safe.
>     So, I'm sure someone here has a good solution.  One they use either professionally or privately where they have actually had to get files back from the cloud and were able to.
> SO...  thoughts?
> Wayne
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