I put xbmc on the '01 <?> IBM and it is cool. I installed some add ons and I can watch movies even. Then I decided I wanted to watch 'Paranorman'. I couldn't find it on the installed add ons so I ducked it (duckduckgo) and found I needed the  'gomiso' add on (http://gomiso.com/m/paranorman--4?item_id=18986758&utm_campaign=miso&utm_content=checkin&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter).  I followed the instructions at http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Add-on:Gomiso and it installed but whenever Gomiso was clicked I would be informed that I had to ..... uhhhh.... I think it said I had to remove it from autoexec.py . So I think to myself that that would be no problem but when I 'updatedb' and then 'locate autoexec.py' the python script isn't on the system. Then I removed the add on to reinstall it. Now I go system->settings->etc.... and enable the add on. Then I go videos->addons->..... but Gomiso isn't in the list. Am I doing something wrong? Am I forgetting a step? If I go videos->addons->get more->program addons-> it says gomiso is enabled. Then again, it looks as if gomiso isn't right. I dn't know.